Unveil: Mist and Murk

Through the dark and dusky dawn,
the murky mist and musky pawns,
the human flaws and corrupted knots;
there are prized possessions I see,
of love, of wonder, of glee.

As spark ignites to form a flame,
agitated – hard to tame.
As a Stallion’s spirit flows away,
so does humanity diminish to give way.

On many days, for many men.

Through the dark and dusky dawn,
the murky mist and musky pawns,
the human flaws and corrupted knots…

For whence we lay on her bosom; the mist, the pawns – all fade away.

Out of mist and murk, out of nowhere,
out of the heavenly bosom that belonged to Earth –

Arose angels and demons;
summoned were Beauty and the Beast.
They unveil the darkest secrets and are sicced upon the most savage of beasts.

In the twilight are many a man made.
In the twilight are heroes failed.

Β© achillesheelpoetry, 2020

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