
Their eyes so majestic;

and the smirk in search of mice,
the smooth cozy fur and wonderful love –

a little naughty, a little nice.

Every jiffy spent blinking amounts to be a heap.

The variation that is profound- lost in fathoming so deep.

The menace- Oh! so bad.

The cuddles though are rad.

Every single place I go, I seek to find cats!!

© achillesheelpoetry, 2020

I decided to write something simpler and more lucid, for a change.
Composing this poem was a breeze, although I was and still am quite skeptical.
So please let me know how you found “Cats” to be. Criticism is welcome; and appreciation, well, gladly welcome.

10 thoughts on “Cats

  1. Ciao!
    I decided to write something simpler and more lucid, for a change. Composing this poem was a breeze, although I was and still am quite skeptical.
    So please let me know how you found “Cats” to be. Criticism is welcome; and appreciation, well, gladly welcome.


    1. Thank you very much for your feedback.
      I am sorry about your cat…
      Cats sure are beautiful and loving animals.
      @Maple Leaves Sending lots of love your way❤️❤️

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